
外文精读 | 傅华伶:香港基本法与港区国安法的关系

青法平台 青法在线 2023-01-05

Relationship Between Hong Kong’s Basic Law and the National Security Law



作者简介:Fu Hualing 傅华伶,香港大学法律学院陈志海基金教授、院长

Is the National Security Law (NSL) a second Basic Law standing on its own in its relationship with the Basic Law or is it part of the Basic Law structure and subject to its control? This is a difficult question. This note considers the arguments in favour of both positions and inclines towards the latter view as the better understanding of the relationship between the NSL and the Basic Law.

the National Security Law (NSL) n. 国家安全法

Basic Law  n. 基本法

关于香港基本法与港区国安法的关系,《港区国安法》独立于《基本法》,还是从属于《基本法》体系并受其约束? 这是个难题。本文对这两种观点都持赞成态度,并倾向于认为后一种观点能更好地理解《港区国安法》与《基本法》之间的关系。

Legislative Hierarchy and Principles


The constitutional rules and principles in relation to the legislature of the mainland are most clearly stated in the Legislation Law. Article 7 of this Law provides that the National People’s Congress (NPC) and its Standing Committee (NPCSC) have the exclusive power to make laws.

Legislature  n. 立法机关;议会;立法部

例句: His first important chance to show his mettle came when he opened the new session of the Legislature.在他组织召开新一届立法会议时,展示他才能的首个重要机会出现了。

Mainland  n. 大陆,本土 adj. 大陆的

例句: As the regime's grip on the mainland tightened over the next few years, hundreds of thousands more people fled south.随着后来几年该政权加强对大陆的控制,又有数十万人逃往南方。

National People’s Congress  n. 全国人民代表大会

Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress  n. 全国人大常委会


The NPC makes and amends criminal law, civil law, laws relating to state organs and other “basic laws”, which remains an undefined and controversial concept in Chinese law.

Amend  vt. 修改,修订;改进;纠正;改正  vi.改过自新

例句:This is a chance for the government to amend its ways.这是政府改善其行事方式的一个机会。


The NPCSC makes and amends laws other than the basic laws. The NPCSC also has the power to make laws to partially supplement and amend the NPC laws (e.g. basic laws) when the NPC is not in session, but any addition and amendment shall not contravene the “basic principles” of the “basic laws”. [1]

Session n. 开会;开庭;会期;学期

例句:Instead, the session has sowed confusion.相反,会议引发了混乱。

In session  n. 在开会, 在开庭, 在上课【法】 在开庭, 在开会

例句:Article 11 Local people's congresses at various levels shall meet in session at least once a year.  第十一条地方各级人民代表大会会议每年至少举行一次。


According to Article 97(1) of the same law, the NPC has the power to change or rescind laws made by the NPCSC that are “inappropriate.” [2]


Notwithstanding these legislative rules, the Chinese Constitution does not provide a functional mechanism for constitutional review. The NPCSC occupies the commanding heights of the legislature and has the power both to make law and interpret law, rendering meaningless the possibility of post-enactment constitutional review of law.

The Chinese Constitution  n. 中国宪法

Functional mechanism  n. 功能机制

尽管有这些立法规则,但中国宪法没有规定宪法审查机制。全国人大常委会占据立法制高点  有权力制定法律和解释法律,这使事后宪法审查法律变得毫无意义。

The Basic Law

The Basic Law is a basic law in the Chinese hierarchy because it was enacted by the NPC and enjoys a higher constitutional status, albeit in a limited sense. Nevertheless, the Basic Law has a higher constitutional status among all laws in China because of its special function in creating a SAR in the implementation of Article 31 of the Constitution. As a result, the Basic Law is often regarded in Chinese constitutional scholarship as quasi-constitutional or a constitutional document and has been given a privileged constitutional status higher than ordinary NPC laws.

Hierarchy n. 僧侣统治集团;特权阶级;教阶制度;阶级组织

例句:Even in the desert there was a kind of social hierarchy.即使在沙漠地区也存在某种社会等级制度。

Enact vt. 扮演;规定,颁布

例句:The king could not enact laws without the sanction of Parliament.未经议会批准,国王不能制定法律。

Albeit conj. 虽然(=although);即使,不论

例句:She has a majority, albeit a reduced one. 她拥有多数票,尽管相较过去有所减少。

Implementation n. 执行;落实;供给工具;完成,成就;补充

例句:Very little has been achieved in the implementation of the peace agreement signed last January. 去年1月签署的和平协议几乎没有落实。


The April 1990 Decision by the NPC is of special significance in signaling the special constitutional status of the Basic Law. On the same day it promulgated the Basic Law, the NPC made a Decision to affirm and to declare the constitutionality of the Basic Law. The Decision also establishes the supremacy of the Basic Law in the SAR by stating: “The systems, policies and laws to be instituted after the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be based on the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.”[3]


The Basic Law constitutes the SAR, and therefore it is Hong Kong’s Constitution, mini or otherwise. Any other law, as long as it is implemented in Hong Kong, would have to be “based on”, subordinate to, and comply with the Basic Law. The NSL, as a NPCSC law, is no exception.

SAR 特别行政区(Special Administrative Region)



The NSL is a unique law, however, which follows an extraordinary law-making path. The NPC itself triggered the legislative process for the NSL through a Decision on 28 May 2020. The Decision relies directly on Article 31 and Article 62 (2) (12) (14) of the Constitution in authorising and mandating the NPCSC to make a NSL within the scope of the Decision.

NSL  n. 国家安全法(National Security Law)

Trigger  n. 扳机  vt .触发;开火;扣扳机;促使;引起

例句:Unresolved or unacknowledged fears can trigger sleepwalking. 悬而未决或下意识的恐惧可能引发梦游。 


Both the Basic Law and the Decision derive their authority from Article 31. This is also the first time that the NPC has invoked Article 62 (2) to exercise its power in extending a national law to Hong Kong. Article 62 sets out the different functions and powers of the NPC and paragraph (2) refers to the power to “supervise the enforcement of the Constitution”.

Authority  n. 管辖权;当局;当权者;威信;影响力;说服力;批准;专家;权;权力

例句:The London Stock Exchange is the competent authority under the Financial Services Act.伦敦股票交易所是金融服务条例下的法定机构。

Derive from 源于;来自;派生


The making of the NSL relied upon the Constitution for its application to Hong Kong outside of the framework of the Basic Law. This is a significant development in Basic Law jurisprudence and will have long-term consequences. Although the Basic Law is also relied on and referred to in the Decision, no reference is made to any specific articles of the Basic Law, leading to the argument that the NPC has indeed bypassed the Basic Law in making the NSL.

Long-term consequences  n. 长期后果


According to the relevant clauses in Article 62 of the Constitution, the NPC can supervise the implementation of the Constitution (62 (2)); decide on establishment of a SAR and the system to be implemented there (62(14)); and exercise other powers that shall be exercised by the highest organ of state power (62(16)). In acting according to these functions and powers, the NPC is stating, as the sovereign power, it can enact any law for Hong Kong as circumstances demand and as it sees fit.

Implementation n. [计] 实现;履行;安装启用

例句:It allows an RA to submit work to the application for easy implementation.


SAR 特别行政区(Special Administrative Region)

Exercise other powers 行使其他职权

Exercise 此处译为:权力╱权利的行使;品质的运用

例句:the exercise of power by the government政府权力的行使

Power 此处译为:政权,权力,统治地位

例句:a power struggle.一场权力的争斗

The highest organ of state power 最高国家权力机关

Organ 此处译为:(官方的)机构;机关

例句:the organs of government 政府机关

The sovereign power 最高权力

Sovereign 此处译为:掌握全部权力的;有至高无上的权力的 adj.

例句:a sovereign ruler 最高统治者

Circumstances demand 情况需求


On 30 June 2020, the NPCSC promulgated the NSL. Article 3 of the NSL provides that “The Central People’s Government has an overarching responsibility for national security affairs relating to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.” By this article, according to my reading of the Basic Law and the NSL, the NPCSC has effectively replaced Article 23 of the Basic Law with the NSL. Or one might say it is giving effect to what has always been implicit in Article 23.

NPCSC 全国人大常委会(National People's Congress Standing Committee)

Pomulgate  v.



例句:In January 1852 the new constitution was promulgated.

NSL 国家安全法(National Security Law)

The Central People’s Government 中央人民政府

Overarching  adj.  非常重要的;首要的;概莫能外的

Give effect to 使实行起来,使生效

Implicit  adj. 含蓄的;暗示的;盲从的

例句:Implicit in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty. 他话语中的言外之意是设定他们有罪。


Article 7 of the NSL provides: “The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall complete, as early as possible, legislation for safeguarding national security as stipulated in the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and shall refine relevant laws”. This is a technical article used to preempt the challenge that the NSL violates the “on its own” clause in Article 23 of the Basic Law.

Stipulate  v. 规定;明确要求

例句:A delivery date is stipulated in the contract.合同中规定了交货日期。

refine relevant laws 完善相关法律

Refine 此处译为:改进;改善;使精练

例句:refine Improvements 完善改进

Preempt  vt.  先占;先取;以先买权获得

Violate  v.


例句:to violate international law 违反国际法


例句:She accused the press photographers of violating her privacy. 她指责新闻摄影记者侵犯了她的隐私。



《港区国安法》第七条规定:"香港特别行政区应尽早完成《香港特别行政区基本法》规定的保障国家安全的立法,并完善相关法律"。这是一个技术性的条款,对《港区国安法》违反《基本法》第二十三条的 "自行立法"条款的挑战先发制人。

Given the substantial overlapping between the NSL and Article 23, in form and substance, and common legislative objectives of both laws, a more honest approach is to admit that the NPC has authorised its NPCSC to make an Article 23 law for Hong Kong to fix a potential or real serious national security crisis. The operative word in Article 7 is “complete” suggesting the NPCSC has started the Article 23 work project for Hong Kong to finish.


adj. 大量的;实质的;内容充实的

例句:substantial connection 实质联系;密切关系;实际联系

Substantial transformation 实质性改变;实质性改变标准;实质转型

n. 本质;重要材料

Overlapping v. 重叠;与……重合(overlap 的现在分词)

In form and substance 在形式上和实质上

Authorise = authorize  vt. 授权;批准;允许;委任

原文:The NPC has authorised its NPCSC to make an Article 23 law.

authorise ... to ... 授权

The operative word (习语)关键词;最重要的词语

例句:I was in love with her—‘was’ being the operative word. 在I was in love with her这句话中,was是关键词。

鉴于《港区国安法》与《香港基本法》第二十三条在形式和实质上有很大的重合,而且两部法律有共同的立法目标,比较实际的做法是承认全国人大授权全国人大常委会为香港制定第二十三条法律,以解决潜在或真正的严重国家安全危机。第七条的关键词是 "完成",暗示全国人大常委会已经开始了为香港完成第二十三条工作项目。



So what is the constitutional status of the NSL? It has been argued that the NSL is the second Basic Law for Hong Kong because of (A) its direct reliance on, and invocation of Article 31 and Article 62 (2) (12) and (14), and (B) the special authorisation of the NPC to make the NSL through its May Decision. According to this view, the NSL is a national law that exits in parallel to the Basic Law, supplementing and amending the Basic Law but not bound by it.

The constitutional status 宪法地位

It has been argued that 有人认为

Reliance on 依靠;信赖

Invocation  n.



In parallel to 平行

In parallel with 与…平行;与…同时

Supplement 此处为动词,译为:增补;补充

Amend v.修正,修订(法律文件、声明等)

例句:He asked to see the amended version.他要求看修订本。

Be not bound by 不受...拘束



That view, which accepts the creation of a separate source of law and an independent national security regime in Hong Kong outside the Basic Law, would have caused a fundamental change to ‘one country, two systems’. After a careful reading of the NPC Decision, the NSL, and the explanatory notes to both the Decision and the NSL, I cannot find any evidence that such a fundamental change is intended.

One country, two systems 一国两制

Explanatory adj. 解释的;说明的;阐述的

Intend 此处为动词,译为:打算;想要


A better view is that the NSL is an ordinary piece of NPCSC legislation, subordinate in status and force to the Basic Law. It is self-evident the NSL, according to the NSL itself (Article 1), was made “in accordance with” the Basic Law. The Basic Law remains a superior law to the NSL and the supreme law in Hong Kong.[4]

Subordinate in 服从;从属于


例句:They subordinate in the Jienisi office, this is produces the office which the beautiful youth idol is famous. 他们附属于杰尼斯事务所,这是个以出产美少年偶像而著称地事务所。

Self-evident  adj. 显而易见的;不言而喻的;明摆着的

例句:The dangers of such action are self-evident. 这样的行动,其危险是明摆着的。


This is so not merely because the Basic Law is a basic law enacted by the NPC – the NPC can make other basic laws. Rather it is due to the Basic Law’s quasi-constitutional status. The Basic Law remains Hong Kong’s constitution by its nature.

Rather 此处为副词,译为:提出不同或相反的观点)相反,反而,而是

例句:The walls were not white, but rather a sort of dirty grey. 墙面不是白的,而是灰不溜秋的。

Be due to 是由于;由于;因为;应归于

Quasi-constitutional 准宪法的

Quasi  adj. 准的;类似的;外表的


The NSL is a NPCSC law that has been inserted into Annex III of the Basic Law to fill a gap left by Article 23, as contentious as the matter may be. As such, the NSL has to be consistent with, and accountable to, other provisions of the Basic Law so as to maintain the integrity of the Basic Law in accordance with Article 11.[5] The NSL may have replaced the explicit understanding of Article 23 to create a novel national security regime, but it is not immune from the control of the Basic Law.

Be inserted into 插入


Fill a gap 弥补缺陷

Be consistent with 与...一致

Consistent  adj. 始终如一的,一致的;坚持的

Be accountable to 对……负有责任

Be held accountable for 对...负责

Maintain the integrity of 保持...的完整性

Integrity n. 完整;正直;诚实;廉正 复数 integrities

In accordance with 依照;与...一致
例句:The scheme has been revised in accordance with the opinions of the masses.


Explicit  adj. 明确的;清楚的;直率的;详述的

反义词:implicit adj. 含蓄的;暗示的;盲从的

Novel 此处为形容词,译为:新颖的;与众不同的;珍奇的。

例句:a novel feature新特征

Be immune from 不受……的影响

Be immune to 对…有免疫力;不受…的影响


From the Chinese law perspective, as stated above, since the NPCSC both made the NSL and interprets both the NSL (Article 65) and the Basic Law (Article 158), a constitutional review of the NSL against the Basic Law by the NPCSC is unlikely to prove a meaningful exercise.

A constitutional review 宪法审查


However, the Chinese law position does not prohibit Hong Kong courts from developing a common law jurisprudence in interpreting the NSL in accordance with the standards of the Basic Law, that is to say to reconcile any potential conflict between the two laws through judicial interpretation, subject to the interpretative power of the NPCSC. [6]

Jurisprudence  n.[U] 法学;法律学

例句:a professor of jurisprudence法学教授

Reconcile  v.


例句:an attempt to reconcile the need for industrial development with concern for the environment 协调工业发展的需要和环境保护之间关系的努力


例句:The pair were reconciled after Jackson made a public apology. 杰克逊公开道歉之后,这两个人又言归于好了。


例句:He could not reconcile himself to the prospect of losing her. 他一想到有可能失去她,就觉得难以忍受。

Be subject to 使服从;使遭受;受…管制

Subject 此处为形容词,译为可能受…影响的;易遭受…的



[1] Article 7, Legislation Law.

[2] Article 97, Legislation Law.

[3] Decision of the National People’s Congress on the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (Adopted at the Third Session of the Seventh National People’s Congress on 4 April 1990)

[4] Article 62 of the NSL states that “This Law shall prevail where provisions of the local laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region are inconsistent with this Law.” “Local laws” Article 62 does not include the Basic Law.

[5] In the case of HKSAR v. Ng Kung Siu and another [1999] HKCFA 10, the CFA considered the constitutionality of the National Flag Ordinance, which was enacted through art 18(2) and Annex III, thereby further confirming that national laws enacted in this way must be consistent with the Basic Law.

[6] Article 65 of the NSL provides “The power of interpretation of this Law shall be vested in the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress”. Given that the application of the NSL would necessarily involve judicial interpretation by Hong Kong courts, Article 65 must be referring to “ultimate or final power of interpretation”.









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