

青法平台 青法在线 2023-01-05



By Zachary Karabell

An additional 2.98 million people led for unemployment in the beginning of May, bringing the total lost jobs to at least 36 million by official tallies, and likely significantly more once discouraged and gig workers are factored in. Until this March, the most unemployment claims ever led in one week was fewer than 700,000.



例句:I met him at a Simple Minds gig at St Andrews University in 1978.

Be factored in:把……作为因素计入。

Factor:n. 因素;要素;[物] 因数;代理人。

       vi. 做代理商。

       vt. 把…作为因素计入;代理经营;把…分解成。

例句:We have to factor that into the calculus(微积分).

The primary reason for this massive surge in unemployment is of course the pandemic and the economic shutdowns to contain it. But government policy is also to blame.


Surge:n. 汹涌;大浪,波涛;汹涌澎湃;v. 汹涌;起大浪,蜂拥而来。常用为引申义表“激增”。

例句:One way is for a further surge in investment.

The virus has exposed the shambles of how the U.S. has structured its safety nets since the Great Depression. It is a system that barely works in stable times but which in a crisis creates incentives for companies to re people even if they intend to rehire them several months later. We have managed, in a few short weeks, to design the worst of all possible worlds: a massive aid package (the $2 trillion CARES Act) that incentivizes unemployment (despite the loans that came too late to keep some workers on payroll), pays people more than they would if they stayed employed (thanks to extra money for unemployment benefits) and makes everyone from large companies to gig workers more insecure about the future. The goal of a safety net is to help people feel . . . safe. Ours doesn’t.


Shamble:vi. 蹒跚地走;摇晃不稳;n. 蹒跚;摇晃的脚步。此处引申译为“不堪一击”。

例句:Once again, as when we were small, we believe that magic can happen, that we can be different, that life is not just a predictable and frequently humiliating shamble towards the grave.

The Great Depression:资本主义经济史上最持久、最深刻、最严重的周期性世界经济危机。首先爆发于美国,1929年10月24日纽约股票市场价格在一天之内下跌12.8%,大危机由此开始。紧接着就是银行倒闭、生产下降、工厂破产、工人失业。大危机从美国迅速蔓延到整个欧洲和除苏联以外的全世界,是迄今为止人类社会遭遇的规模最大、历时最长、影响最深刻的经济危机。

CARES Act:《冠状病毒援助,救济和经济安全法案》(Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act)的简称,为了帮助美国个人或者企业应对疫情带来的经济影响,美国联邦政府近期通过了该法案。此法案为美国企业提供了贷款和其他福利,扩大了失业保险,还直接向中等及低收入人群支付现金补助,并为医疗保健和其他优先事项提供了新的拨款。其中,该法案涵盖了4个主要的贷款计划。

People are deeply apprehensive. Part of that is unequivocal fear of the virus. No amount of government spending could alleviate that quickly. Economic anxiety is another matter. The contrast with the E.U. and Asia is striking. In many of those nations, governments have guaranteed the majority of worker payrolls and salaries. As a result, most companies have had no need or incentive to re workers en masse, at least not immediately, and they’ll be able to restart operations faster.



例句:If you already have planned running routes, you won't feel as apprehensive about running at your destination once you arrive.


例句:In my opinion the answer is an unequivocal "yes".


例句:I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannnot, and I too suffer.

Compare the situation in the U.S. Say you had a restaurant business with several outlets and a hundred employees in March that was modestly pro table prepandemic. Faced with months of no revenue, you could pay your workers and rent perhaps for a month before cash ran out. The CARES Act wasn’t passed until the end of March, about a week after the start of the shutdowns, but those funds didn’t start owing till a few weeks later. But you knew that regular unemployment benefits would come quickly and would at least provide your workers with basic income. So you furlough them, allowing them to maintain health insurance, or you re them outright. And then, when that extra $600 kicks in, and you know those payments will last until at least the end of July, it makes no sense to rehire them right now.



例句:He modestly omits to mention that he was British pole-vault champion.

Unemployment benefits:n.失业福利;失业津贴;失业补助。

例句:It is disgraceful that they should be denied unemployment benefits.

Furlough:n.休假  v.准…休假。

例句:He sustained the role of Creon with burly resilience.

Health insurance:n.医疗保险;健康保险;健康险。



例句:They were sagacious enough to avoid any outright confrontation.

Then take a megacompany like Disney, which furloughed tens of thousands of employees. The Federal Reserve lending program for companies doesn’t help you because you are too big, and you’ve closed theme parks with no reopening date. So you do the same as that small business. And for medium-size companies, the Fed’s lending program doesn’t have a launch date yet, so given the urgent need to conserve cash, you too furlough or fire. And that’s in large part why we have 36 million ling for unemployment.


The Federal Reserve:  n.美联储

Reopening:adj.重新开的   v.再开;(reopen的现在分词)

例句:And in 30 days we hold a grand reopening of the island.

Small business   n.小企业;小型企业;小生意

例句:Ours is a small business, and we never expect to make a fortune out of it.


While some of the unemployed will do as well with the government benefits as they would have with a job, we know that getting red can be traumatic and being unemployed is a recipe for insecurity and caution. Added to that is the uncertainty about costs of health care. The instinct is to save and conserve and cut back to essentials, which is individually rational but collectively disastrous for the economy.



例句:The mind can bury all memory of traumatic abuse.


We can’t undo what’s been done. But we can improve in the future. With warnings of a second wave in the fall, planning for a next round of shutdowns is essential, as is restructuring government aid programs going for- ward. Some hiring will return in the coming months, and to ensure that those jobs don’t once again get eliminated precipitously, government at both the federal and state levels needs to be ready to open the spigot quickly and directly so that companies have neither the incentive nor the need to re employees. Having a streamlined process of turning on emergency relief the moment it is needed, with clear and simple rules that all businesses and workers understand in advance, is essential—and possible if there is the political will to do things differently.


Undo:  v.解开;打开;松开;消除…影响或结果;使恢复原状;使垮台;毁灭;恢复;取消


例句:There wasn't any way Evelyn could undo the damage. 伊芙琳根本无法消除那损害所造成的影响。

Restructuring:n.改革;重组;改组  v.重建;重组;调整;(restructure的现在分词)

例句:Restructuring and the resultant cost savings. 改组及因此产生的成本节省。

Government aid:   n.国家援助




例句:The company streamlined its operations by removing whole layers of management.

Emergency relief   n.紧急救助; 紧急救济服务。











本文责编 ✎ 金钟罩

本期编辑 ✎ Ben

