

青法平台 青法在线 2023-01-05

COViD-19 will not be the last pandemic in our deeply interconnected world, and sadly it won’t be the worst. Two profoundly different possible futures are available to us: one in which we stick our heads in the sand as we have consistently done, and one where humanity takes the hard, necessary steps to protect itself.

新冠病毒将不会是在我们这个彼此紧密相连的世界上的最后一次大流行,遗憾的是,它也不会是最糟糕的。于我们而言,有两种截然不同的未来可供选择:一种是一如既往地逃避现实, 另一种,是采取一些艰难而必要的措施来保护自己。

profoundly:adv. 深刻地;深深地;极度地

例句:This film will make every Chinese rethink profoundly. 该片使每个中国人作深刻的反思。

In a world where we take the path toward resilience, we will universally eliminate the wild-animal trade, stopping many epidemics from occurring in the first place. Most viral epidemics spill over from wild animals, particularly animals closely related to us, like mammals. Eliminating the wildlife trade will reduce spillovers by breaking the link between wild animals and dense cities with vast human populations.


resilience:n. 弹力;顺应力;弹性;快速恢复的能力

例句:He sustained the role of Creon with burly resilience.他充满活力地扮演了克瑞翁这个角色。

epidemics:n. 流行病; (迅速的) 泛滥,蔓延;

例句:This increases the risk of dengue haemorrhagic fever epidemics by introducing new dengue viruses into susceptible populations.通过将新的登革病毒传入易感人群增加了登革出血热流行的危险。

spill over:波及;扩散;印象。Spill,溢出;洒出。

例句:AT& T and DuPont said they would cut capital spending, which will spill over to their suppliers.AT&T和杜邦称,它们将削减资本支出,这将波及它们的供应商。

spillover:n. 伴随的结果(或影响)

例句:Spillover damage from the building's demolition was confined to some broken glass.拆除这座大楼带来的损失仅仅是一些玻璃被震碎了。

break the link between … and …:打破…和…的联系

Such a ban won’t completely eliminate contact with wildlife viruses. But in a resilient future, we will know our enemy better than we do now, thanks to the virologists currently seeking out and studying as many viruses as possible. Virologists estimate that wild animals carry approximately 750,000 viruses with the ability to infect people. This seems like a huge number, but pilot efforts like USAID’s PREDICT program have demonstrated the feasibility of a comprehensive inventory of these viruses. The envisioned Global Virome Project will cost billions of dollars—and will do for epidemics what the Human Genome Project has done for medicine, providing the scientific world with detailed knowledge of the viruses that will cause tomorrow’s pandemics. The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations has already raised hundreds of millions of dollars to develop vaccine pipelines for future pandemics, and armed with genetic data from the 750,000 viruses, it would be able to establish viral libraries before novel epidemics emerge— dramatically decreasing the time to develop a new vaccine.


thanks to : 由于;幸亏

svirologists:n. 病毒学家

pilot : adj. 试验性的;试点的

例句:If the UK pilot scheme / USpilot program is successful many more homes will be offered the new television service.如果试验计划成功,会有越来越多的家庭享受到新的电视服务。

例句:I told you my father was this famous virologist.我告诉过你我爸爸是病毒学家。

USAID:全称U.S. Agency for International Development,指美国国际开发总署。是美国联邦政府的一个组织,属于美国的援外机构。成立于1961年,主要承担着美国大部分对外非军事性的援助工作,目的在承办开发贷款,推动技术援助方案,分配军援及对480公法(Public Law 480)案下所进行的农业剩余物资的处理

feasibility:n. 可行性

例句:IThe feasibility of screening athletes for cardiac disease.给运动员做心脏病检查的可行性。

envisioned:v. 想象;预想;展望

例句:She envisioned the admiring glances of guests seeing her home.她想像着客人们看到她的家时那种羡慕的目光。

The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations:流行病预防创新联盟

Vaccines help stop epidemics, but so does money. In a resilient future, early cases of an outbreak will trigger the immediate release of funds to control it, by way of sovereign or regional- level epidemic-insurance policies. The global hot spots where epidemics historically have emerged overlap with some of the world’s least developed countries. Today, serious financial limitations can make it hard for leaders in such countries to respond to outbreaks in time. When politicians balk, epidemics ignite. In a resilient future, this won’t happen; instead, dedicated funds will automatically flow into preprogrammed rapid response efforts.


trigger:v. 引发;引起;促使;开动

例句:Environmental factors trigger the switch from vegetative to floral development. 环境因素刺激了从无性发育到花发育的转变。

balk:vi. 犹豫

例句:I balked at the prospect of spending four hours on a train with him.想到要与他一起在火车上度过四个小时,我就感到心不甘情不愿的。

ignite:v. 燃烧;爆炸

dedicated:adj. 专用(于…)的;专门(为…而)设计制造的

例句:Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes. 这些区域也应该设专门的自行车道。

The modern world depends largely on companies for employment, and they were caught terribly off guard by COVID-19, resulting in unprecedented job loss. In a resilient future, that will change. The private sector already knows how to protect itself from catastrophic events. For a litany of catastrophes, including hurricane, earthquake, cyber, terror and food, companies have resilience plans and insurance to manage their exposure—but not for epidemics. In a resilient future, companies will have chief epidemic security officers poring over company- specific risk assessments, developing tailored mitigation plans, and obtaining independent epidemic- preparedness certifications. They will also have insurance.


catch off guard: 乘(人)不备;使猝不及防 If someone catches you off guard, they surprise you by doing something you do not expect. If something catches you off guard, it surprises you by happening when you are not expecting it.

catastrophic: adj. 大灾难的;大灾祸的;极大规模突变的;极不幸的;极不成功的;

例句:The body undergoes catastrophic collapse towards the state of a black hole.天体经历着朝黑洞状态的大崩溃。

litany:n. 连祷;连祷文;枯燥冗长的一串文字

例句:Let me just demonstrate the litany of pie. Okay, page 15.让我来展示一下这冗长的派,看第15页。

catastrophes:n. 大灾难惨败;大灾难;大祸;(catastrophe的复数)

poring over: 仔细阅读;认真钻研 If you pore over or through information, you look at it and study it very carefully.

tailored: adj. 特制的;特供的

You may wonder what insurance company would risk offering business coverage for epidemics, particularly after seeing the losses from COVID-19. The world felt similarly after 9/11. Following 9/11, lenders, for example, would no longer agree to finance the construction of high-rises without terrorism insurance, and insurers were ill-equipped to offer such coverage. What resulted in the U.S. was the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, which enables the insurance industry to write policies to protect against terrorism with the assurance that if the losses go beyond a certain level the government will step in. Governments around the world will create similar backstops for pandemic insurance, permitting insurers to adapt to a post-COVID-19 reality. Insurers will learn to take on more and more of the burden, decreasing the cost to taxpayers when the next one hits. Insured companies means fewer layoffs, and in some countries companies may have to guarantee this to participate in the program.


coverage:n. 覆盖,覆盖范围;新闻报道;保险范围。insurance coverage:保险责任范围。

ill-equipped:adj. 装备不完善的,能力欠缺的

Terrorism Risk Insurance Act:恐怖主义风险保险法。

protect against:动词短语,保护,保卫。

例句:It has been claimed that wine helps protect against heart disease. 有人声称葡萄酒有助于预防心脏病。

step in:动词短语,干涉;介入;进入;涉足。

例句:If no agreement was reached, the army would step in. 如果无法达成协议,军队将会介入。

backstop:n. 挡球网;捕手;支撑物;后备方案。

take on


例句:Don't take on more responsibilities than you can handle. 不要承担过多的责任。


例句:Believing he had only a year to live, his writing took on a feverish intensity. 由于以为自己只剩一年的活头,他的文字开始变得激情澎湃。


例句:This is a brief stop to take on passengers and water. 这是一次短暂停靠,上上客,加加水。


例句:He's spoken to a publishing firm. They're going to take him on.他和一家出版公司谈过了,他们打算雇用他。


例句:I knew I couldn't take him on. 我清楚我斗不过他。


例句:Knox had taken it on himself to choose the wine. 诺克斯擅自作主,选了葡萄酒。


Future solutions will take advantage of technologies that don’t even exist and boggle the mind. Our resilient future, for example, will include digital immunity passports not imaginable a decade ago. If an app can be safe enough to store and use credit-card information, it can do the same for a lab result. Like the yellow immunization cards that people keep with their passports, such apps will certify individuals’ immunity to viruses they have been vaccinated against. They will also be linked to diagnostic test results so that individuals, when recovered and immune, can re-enter the workforce. These systems will give individuals and their communities confidence to return to normal more rapidly, and the data will give health officials real-time susceptibility maps showing what regions need to be quarantined and where to focus vaccination efforts.


take advantage of:动词词组,利用。

boggle the mind:[非正式]不可理解;不可思议;难以置信。

susceptibility:n. 易受影响(或损害)的状况

It’s hard to be optimistic during one of the greatest crises of modern times. Here’s how: First, imagine this epidemic had occurred 20 years ago, in a world with limited Internet, remote work systems, e-commerce and grocery delivery. A world ill-equipped to detect an outbreak and sequence a virus in days, and scale diagnostics in weeks and vaccines in months. Then imagine that now, with all of these tools, humanity fully realizes the scale of the risks it faces and puts its remarkable capacity to adapt and innovate into protecting itself from future pandemics. That is the only future we can choose. And it can start now if we want it to.


e-commerce:n. 电子商务



As the disease continues to spread, many companies and organizations have had to cancel or postpone major events around the world. That has led to increased interest in epidemic insurance.

"We definitely do see rising demand in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak," said Axel Rakette, a spokesperson for insurer Munich Re. "But it's not a common product — yet."

Events typically are protected by insurance policies in the event of cancellations. But most standard policies don't cover cancellations caused by communicable diseases and outbreaks. Insurers offer restricted coverage for epidemics or pandemics as a buy-back, which means a higher premium, so most companies don't opt to purchase it.

——Companies seek epidemic insurance as coronavirus affects events


Munich Re保险公司发言人阿克塞尔•拉凯特(Axel Rakette)表示:“在冠状病毒爆发后,我们确实看到了需求的增长。”“但它还不是一种常见的产品。”



Hunting, farming and the global move of people to cities has led to massive declines in biodiversity and increased the risk of dangerous viruses like Covid-19 spilling over from animals to humans, a major study has concluded.

Wild animals that have adapted well to human-dominated environments also share more viruses with people. Rodents, bats and primates – which often live among people, and close to houses and farms – together were implicated as hosts for nearly 75% of all viruses. Bats alone have been linked to diseases like Sars, Nipah, Marburg and Ebola.

The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, found that the spillover risk was highest from threatened and endangered wild animals whose populations had declined largely due to hunting, the wildlife trade and loss of habitat.

——Human impact on wildlife to blame for spread of viruses, says study



这项发表在《英国皇家学会学报B辑》(Proceedings of The Royal Society B)杂志上的研究发现,受到威胁和濒临灭绝的野生动物的溢出风险最高,它们的数量主要由于狩猎、野生动物贸易和栖息地的丧失而减少。





外刊精读 | 疫情期间世界经济的良药






本文责编 ✎ 金钟罩

本期编辑 ✎ Ben

