

青法平台 青法在线 2023-01-05



By Joseph E. Stiglitz

Many Americans, and those around the world, are mystified by the apparent shortages of N95 masks, protective gear, ventilators and other materials essential for battling COVID-19 effectively. After all, aren’t markets supposed to respond quickly and efficiently to changes in demand? They seem to be failing us, just when we need them most.




fail: fail常用的意思是是失败、未做成,在这里的意思是“辜负;使…失望”。

New York, the epicenter of the U.S. coronavirus crisis, is clamoring for medical supplies. Trump has said, Don’t look to us, the federal government. He even argued that states should compete in getting the supplies they need. His answer: trust in markets. But markets are disappointing. They work well when everything is going smoothly, when things are normal. But markets don’t work well in crises. Indeed, economic crises are symptomatic of markets not working well. The 2008 financial crisis was a quintessential example. No country in times of serious war turns to markets. We don’t use markets to allocate how our troops should be deployed, and we didn’t rely only on markets for producing tanks, airplanes and other essential materiel in World War II. We needed immediate action, with complex coordination and changing demands; markets just don’t work well in these circumstances.



clamor:demand sth. loudly. 搭配用法有:clamor for sth. / clamor to do sth.

crises:紧要关头,是crisis的复数形式。Economic crises,经济危机。

symptomatic:adj. 是…的征兆


deploy: 部署,调集(部队或军事力量)。Deploy troops, 部署士兵。

Deploy还有“发挥…的作用”的意思,在之前的外刊里出现过。Deploy skills/talents: 发挥技能/才能。

Markets are shortsighted and risk-averse—and the market mechanisms for looking into the future and managing risks are very deficient. And that private risk aversion and that extreme shortsightednessgive rise to a large disparity between social and private returns. Society would like to have an excess supply of masks or ventilators in case we have an emergency like the current one. A well functioning government would have stockpiled them, recognizing the risk of not having them. The cost of storage is infinitesimal compared with the costs of not having these supplies on hand.



Short-sightedness: 缺乏远见。

recognize the short-sightedness of this approach: 认识到这个方法缺乏远见。

反义词:long-sighted, 目光长远的,目光长远还能用long-thought, farsighted, look more at the long term表达。


例句:But I think that the regulatory environments have become somewhat risk averse, if you will, in trying to find out everything.


looking into the future:展望未来。

managing risks:处理风险。


例句:His theory is deficient in several respects.


give rise to: 引起、导致。

例句:Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours.



the growing disparity between rich and poor: 不断增长的贫富差距。




A private firm producing these just in case they might be needed could well go bankrupt. It would have to pay out production costs now, and hope it would get a return in the future. There’s no insurance the firm can buy against the risk that the goods wouldn’t be needed. Its cost of capital is far higher than the cost to the government and its ability to bear risk is far lower, so at most the company will keep a limited inventory—far less than is socially desirable. Not only doesn’t it pay for a private company to inventory these essential products, it also doesn’t pay for it to expand its production capacity.


in case:万一、假使。

pay out:支付,花费(通常指一大笔钱)。football clubs who pay out millions of pounds for players,付数百万英镑购买球员的足球俱乐部

bear risks: 承担风险。

inventory:n. 存货。

vt. 开列清单,在本文中引申为“储存”的意思.

We also have a broader problem in our society: we live at the edge, on the margin, in our never-ending quest for greater efficiency. But in doing this, we’re shortsighted. And this is especially so for our financial markets, which play a central role in allocating resources. We saw that in 2008, in the form of excessive risk-taking. We’re seeing it again. They value the short-term gains, paying no attention to the long-term risks. Stock prices soared as firms engaged in share buybacks—with never a thought about how that undermined resilience, never a thought about the economy facing another crisis. In our shortsightedness, we took out spare tires from cars, lowering the costs of purchase by a small amount, paying no attention to the costs we pay down the line when we have a flat tire. We’ve been running our entire society without spare tires—and proud of the seeming efficiency we’ve gained. And never prouder than in the health care sector. After all, this is part of how we can give huge profits to the health insurance and pharmaceutical companies.


edge &margin辨析



risk-taking:冒险 adj.&n.

例句:Many of them are spoiled by other family members, which makes them self-centered and risk-taking.

both fail to mention how his frequent bouts(发作) of depression(抑郁症) may have contributed to his impulsiveness and risk-taking.

soar:猛增;高耸, 屹立;高飞, 翱翔 v.

例句:The prices seemed soaring up without limit.

share buybacks:股份回购


例句:She has shown great resilience to stress.

Resilience is a property of rubber.

pay down:偿还,付清。

flat tire:漏气轮胎。Flat:平坦的,扁平的;单调的。此处理解为轮胎漏气。


Even now that the demand is so clear, companies may be slow to step forward. They know that if they charge much more than the normal prices, they’ll be accused of price gouging. But they assume (and hope) this will be a one time event. Can they recover the large costs of quickly expanding capacity for a rush of production now at normal prices? Many will decide that the answer is no.


price gouging:价格欺诈,哄抬物价。

gouge:欺骗;挖。v.  圆凿;以圆凿刨;沟。n.

例句:Similarly, the authors used surveys to show that people find practices like price gouging in the wake of disasters unfair.

To make a Halloween lantern, you first have to gouge out the inside of the pumpkin.

This is instead a social cost that needs to be shared across society, and borne disproportionately by the well-off. Hopefully, enough firms will step forward to meet our urgent needs. But if not, we shouldn’t hesitate to make full use of the wartime powers of the government to commandeer the necessary resources. The Trump Administration squandered valuable weeks. There is no time to spare.







The United States is now confronted with a shortage of N95 masks for a number of reasons. The masks themselves are difficult to make, in part because they require specialized equipment to meet stringent regulatory standards. Many of the companies that can make the masks are also in China. That supply chain wasn’t prepared for a pandemic, especially one that originated in the same country where many of these masks are produced. And as the novel coronavirus spread throughout China, the country’s government bought its domestically produced masks, ensuring they weren’t exported. That’s made the gap between supply and demand in the US much larger.


In the absence of a pandemic, the US has typically not produced enough of these N95 masks to meet the needs of its own workers. 3M and Prestige Ameritech are the two primary companies that do end-to-end production of medical-grade N95 masks in the US, and both are both ramping up production. Another American company, Honeywell, recently started producing N95 masks at its Rhode Island and Phoenix facilities. Still, these three companies won’t solve our mask shortage.

在没有流行病的情况下,美国通常没有生产足够的N95口罩来满足本国工人的需求。3M和Prestige Ameritech是两家主在美国生产医疗级N95口罩的主要公司,这两家公司都在加紧生产。另一家美国公司霍尼韦尔最近开始在罗得岛和菲尼克斯工厂生产N95口罩。尽管如此,这三家公司还是不能解决美国的口罩短缺问题。

Now that China appears to have slowed its own Covid-19 outbreak, overseas shipments of protective equipment are starting up again. Even if China exported the same number of masks that it did before the novel coronavirus outbreak, the US would still need a lot more since it’s now combating the highest number of confirmed cases of any country in the world. The US is also competing with many other countries eager to get hold of more N95 masks.



The government’s Strategic National Stockpile, which has emergency supplies stored in secret locations around the country, contains millions of masks. Nevertheless, the Trump administration seems to be distributing medical supplies unevenly during this public health crisis. Not all states are getting what they’ve asked for.


To address the shortage, the president has turned to the DPA, which enables him to force private companies to produce needed medical supplies during an emergency. He’d previously used the law to manufacture much-needed ventilators. Denying health care workers access to essential equipment inevitably raises questions about the Trump administration’s ability to manage a supply chain that’s been consumed by disruption, misinformation, and profiteering.



The crisis is set to amplify three trends. First, a quicker adoption of new technologies. The planet is having a crash course in e-commerce, digital payments and remote working. More medical innovations beckon, including gene-editing technologies. Second, global supply chains will be recast, speeding the shift since the trade war began. Apple has just ten days’ worth of inventory, and its main supplier in Asia, Foxconn, 41 days. Firms will seek bigger safety buffers and a critical mass of production close to home using highly automated factories. Cross-border business investment could drop by 30-40% this year. Global firms will become less profitable but more resilient.



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本文责编 ✎ 金钟罩

本期编辑 ✎ Ben

