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Vrije Universiteit Brussel

布鲁塞尔自由大学(Free University of Brussels)坐落于比利时王国与欧盟共同的首都布鲁塞尔东南部,是一座拥有悠久历史的著名大学。布鲁塞尔自由大学建校于1834年,后因比利时语言纷争,于1970年拆分为法语布鲁塞尔自由大学(Universite libre de Bruxelles,简称ULB)、荷语布鲁塞尔自由大学(Vrije Universiteit Brussel,简称VUB),分别用法语和荷兰语作为主要授课语言。两校共用“布鲁塞尔自由大学”这一名称,联系较为广泛,但是实际上两校为各自独立的教学实体。两所学校校均为欧洲著名的综合性、研究型大学,具有一流的教学和科研水平。百年办学历史中,布鲁塞尔自由大学共有4位校友获得诺贝尔奖,包括13年获得诺贝尔物理学奖的比利时理论物理学家弗朗索瓦·恩格勒。 

法语布鲁塞尔自由大学位列2019软科世界大学学术排名第151-200位,2020U.S. News世界大学排名第190名,ULB共设有哲学及文学、法律、社会科学、政治及经济科学、心理及教育、理学、工学及医学等学院,以及若干提供教学及研究的中心。学校招收欧洲乃至全世界的学生,现拥有29%的国际学生,以多元文化著称。荷语布鲁塞尔自由大学位列2019QS世界大学排名第188位,VUB的工程学、理论物理、电子学、计算机应用、生物医学等在欧洲具有很高的声誉。VUB善于合作的优点使它在欧洲原子核研究委员会占有一席之地。应用科学学院的机器人学和电子学研究成效显著。它的动力学在计量经济学里的研究和工业应用经济学的研究较为著名。

The Brussels Centre for Language Studies is offering 2 to 3 postdoctoral research positions of 0.8 to 1.0 FTE. We are looking for strong, high-achieving scholars, with a collaborative mindset who are willing to be actively involved in the activities organized by the research group and pro-actively get involved in setting up new initiatives. Candidates are also expected to demonstrate a willingness to cooperate in larger (European) research initiatives with other colleagues within the BCLS.Applications of junior as well as more senior researchers are welcomed.Brussels Centre for Language Studies (BCLS)Brussels Centre for Language Studies (BCLS) is a research group within the Faculty of Languages and Humanities (LW) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. It is the largest research group within the Faculty, counting over 70 members, including (pre- and postdoctoral) researchers, Faculty staff, as well as affiliated researchers.Research at BCLS centres around three research lines: “Language, Brain and Cognition”, “Language and Society”, and “Language and Pedagogy”. Members have a variety of methodological approaches to their research, varying from quantitative to qualitative to mixed approaches.The centre, through its own means or through involvement in core facilities within the larger VUB context, offers access to a variety of equipment and tools to allow for researchers to be innovative with  regards to their methodological approaches and achieve highly ambitious, impactful project goals.More on BCLS: https://bcls.research.vub.be/

Working at VUB

University of VUB

For more than 50 years, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel has stood for freedom, equality and solidarity, and this is very much alive on our campuses among students and staff alike.
At VUB, you will find a diverse collection of personalities: innovators pur sang, but above all people who are 100% their authentic selves. With some 4,000 employees, we are the largest Dutch-speaking employer, in the private sector, in Brussels; an international city with which we are only too happy to connect and where (around) our 4 campuses are located.
Add to this our principle of free research - in which self-reflection, a critical attitude and an open, creative mind around scientific and social issues are central - and you have a university that is fundamentally ground-breaking and pioneering in education and research. In short: VUB all over again.
Moreover, VUB is a member of EUTOPIA, an alliance of like-minded European universities, all ready to reinvent themselves.
More on VUB: https://www.vub.be/en More on EUTOPIA University university.eu/
The ideal candidate:
- should demonstrate a solid academic track record through an appreciable number of published peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, (invited) presentations at national and international conferences within their field.
- should demonstrate research experience clearly relating to at least one of the research lines of BCLS (it is considered a bonus when their research can be linked to several).
- should have a well-developed international research network and is willing to build bridges to expand the existing research networks within BCLS.
- has methodological skills that can be of use to a broad number of BCLS members and the candidate is willing, and able, to give support at the level of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed research approaches.- preferably demonstrates international experience and is willing to broaden this international experience in the future.
- concretely commits to submission of applications for external research funding both on the national and European level.
- is willing and able to contribute to research projects with various colleagues in the research group and to collaborate in consortium-based proposals alongside developing their own research objectives
- commits to produce qualitative output in (high-impact) journals and book(s) (series), … and is open to collaboration with colleagues from the BCLS for joint publications.
What we offer:
- a 0.8-1.0 FTE position within BCLS as a postdoctoral researcher, renewable on yearly basis up to three years. The candidate is asked to explicitly communicate their preference regarding the employment scheme: either on an 80% basis (0.8 FTE), or on a full-time basis (1.0 FTE).
- A competitive remuneration linked to one of the scales set by the government and ranging between approximately
€4941-€5731 before taxes (and depending on the employment scheme: 0.8-1.0 FTE).
In addition, you will also enjoy various other benefits:
• Extensive homeworking options, a telework allowance of 50 euros per month OR an internet fee of 20 euros per month;
• An open and informal working environment where attention is paid to work-life balance, and exceptional holiday arrangements (35 days of paid leave for a fulltime contract), suspension of activities between Christmas and New Year and 3 extra days of leave;
• Cost-free hospitalisation insurance;
• Full reimbursement of your home-to-work commute with public transport according to VUB-policy, and/or a compensation per kilometer if you come by bike;
• A wide selection of meals in our campus restaurants at very competitive prices;
• Excellent and affordable facilities for sports and leisure, a range of discounts via Benefits@Work (in a variety of shops, on flights, in petrol stations, amusement parks...) and Ecocheques;
• A daycare near campus, discount on holiday camps for children;• The space to shape your job content and to continuously learn through our VUB learning platforms and training courses;• And finally: great colleagues.

How to apply

University of VUB

- Submission of a 3-page research agenda, clearly elaborating on how your intended research goals and objectives would fit with the research line or lines of the BCLS and what your vision is for the acquisition of external funding
- Submission of a 1-page personal statement reflecting on your academic trajectory so far and your future objectives
- Submission of 2 reference letters
- (Complete) academic CV
- Official degree documents
Deadline for application: 5 February 2024 (midnight) Submission of documents to: Stefanie.Keulen@vub.be and Laura.Rosseel@vub.be More information: Stefanie.Keulen@vub.be Selection procedure:
1) Step 1: Internal screening of all candidates – shortlist for the interviews (notification of pre-selection follows in March)
2) Step 2: Oral interviews in April 2024 (in-person is preferred, online if necessary).
3) Step 3: The selected candidate can start around May 2024 (earliest)




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